Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We're Favorable! Hooray!

We received the draft homestudy approval today! Hooray! I can't believe we actually have these papers in hand. I will be checking it over & sending any corrections/changes to Judy yet this week so we can get the final report.

One change of note would be that we are asking to be approved for two children instead of one (just in case God reveals such a plan to us). We want to be open & prepared for whatever He has in store! He leads - we's worked well for us so far!

I pray you will be open to the plans He has for you today! Blessings...

Faith is not something you talk about, faith is something you do!


Katy said...

Hooray!! Congratulations!! This is a huge step for you. I think adding approval for two is a great idea that I wish I would have done also- I didn't hear this suggestion until it was too late. Blessings!

Laurie said...

Adopting two at once was the best decision I have ever made. The kids are adjusting so well & I attribute that to there being two children. They sleep, bathe & play wonderfully.

How exciting you are getting so close to sending your paperwork off. Hope your dossier arrives in Haiti soon & all the kinks in the process are worked out so your file flies through all the steps.

I look forward to hearing who God has waiting to join your family. Congratulations this is very exciting.

Hugs, Laurie

CG said...

Two at once is the way to go! I am glad to hear you're leaving this option open. Congrats on getting the draft! It's a great feeling...

livingpurereligion said...

We went into this adoption saying that we are ONLY adopting one and would never adopt a boy. HA! Well, it looks like God made us eat our words!

Now I feel doubly blessed!

Praying for you!