Thursday, March 20, 2008

100 Files Signed Out of IBESR

IBESR has signed out 100 files (including families with bio kids)! This is a huge movement & something to be very grateful for. If you've had the Haiti adoption process in your prayers I believe this is the direct result of that...praise God!


Katy said...

Yippee!!! This is amazing, isn't it? Several of these are from our CCI group. Hopefully mine will follow soon!

CG said...

LOVE, LOVE hearing news like this! can't wait til YOUR file(s) are among those moving through the system...

livingpurereligion said...

I was so glad to read this! Are you adopting through COTP? I just checked out their website and it mentioned that they are no longer accepting applications from people with bio. children. Interesting...