Do you ever get the feeling there's something you should do? You know, that nagging feeling that says, "do this".
Well, I've had that feeling all week. Everytime I pray about whether or not we are supposed to adopt "R", I keep hearing this little voice telling me I'm supposed to read the book of Isaiah.
Well, I did it - all 66 chapters! This book was written by the prophet Isaiah and is basically broken into words of judgment and words of comfort. My Bible says the first half of Isaiah brings the message of judgment to Judah, Israel, and the surrounding pagan nations. The second half brings a message of forgiveness, comfort and hope with the coming of the Messiah.
Would someone please tell me what this has to do with this little boy???? I am completely stumped. I am certainly no Bible scholar - not even close. All throughout the book it talked about sons, but it also talked about daughters of Zion.
I need time to let this sink in and maybe something will come to me. All I know is that the more I look at his picture the more I think I could completely fall for him...if I let myself do that. Please continue to pray that we receive clear confirmation on what God's plan is. We covet your prayers.